Clogged pipes are the worst, and even more frustrating is not knowing what causes them. Chemical drain cleaners are only temporary solutions for what could be a more significant issue. So what’s causing the problem? Below are nine reasons why your drains may be clogged. 

Reason #1: Oil, Grease, and Fats. Pouring excess fat down the kitchen drain can lead to significant problems. As grease cools, it solidifies and coats your pipes, eventually causing clogs. A better way to dispose of oils, grease, and fats is to pour them into a glass storage container, allow them to cool, and throw them in the garbage. 

Reason #2: Hair. Shower and bathtub drains are notorious for collecting hair. Excess hair can become tangled in the drains, leading to clogs. To prevent this issue, use a drain cover that collects hair before it can go down the drain. 

Reason #3: Tissue. Many people make the common mistake of flushing tissue paper down the toilet. Unlike toilet paper, which dissolves in water, tissue paper is designed to absorb liquid and does not break down quickly, leading to significant blockages. 

Reason #4: Paper Towels and Napkins. Due to their thickness, paper towels and napkins are designed to absorb liquid and do not break apart in water. Therefore, they should always be thrown in the trash can. 

Reason #5: Debris and Dirt. When it’s muddy outside, people often wash their dirty shoes and clothes in sinks, basins, or tubs. This dirt and debris goes down the drain, potentially causing clogs from small pebbles in the mud. Removing as much debris and dirt as possible outside before bringing items into your home is essential.

Reason #6: Toothpaste. This seemingly harmless substance can leave a residue that sticks to the insides of your bathroom pipes. Rinsing thoroughly with plenty of water after brushing will help prevent clogs. 

Reason #7: “Flushable” Products. Just because a product is labeled “flushable” doesn’t mean it’s safe to flush. Many of these items are made of synthetic materials that won’t break down effectively and can lead to clogs. Don’t be misled by the term “flushable.” 

Reason #8: Soap Scum. Soap scum usually builds up from bar soap, which contains fatty acids and hard water minerals. Over time, this buildup collects dead skin cells and hair. If you frequently use bar soap, consider switching to liquid soap to help prevent clogs. 

Finally, Reason #9: Minerals in Water. Hard water contains high levels of minerals that can accumulate and cause significant clogging. A good solution for dealing with hard water is installing a water softener in your home. 

Fortunately, Action Plumbing and Halcyon Water Solutions can help! Halcyon’s team of experts is ready to help with water softener consultation and installation. A quick conversation and thorough inspection will help put your mind at ease so you can get back to your daily routine. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Take Action. Call 219-365-1811 to schedule service.